3 Ways Academic Coaches Help Students Develop Executive Functioning Skills

Executive functions (EFs) are mental processes that involve being able to plan, monitor, and control your actions in order to reach a goal. EFs are critically important for successful functioning in everyday life, as they involve the capacity to set goals and anticipate outcomes, regulate and manage emotions and behavior, and sustain attention. Executive functioning capabilities are required to gain success in both academic and social settings. For students at an early age, it is important to develop and strengthen executive functioning skills. Student coaching has proved beneficial for developing executive functioning skills in young learners. Here are three examples that teachers can use to support students in strengthening executive functioning skills:

Promoting the Development of a Stable Routine

The first thing that academic coaches focus on is the development of a stable routine. Establishing a consistent set of expectations for when and how tasks should be completed can be an important way to improve executive function skills in students. By regularly practicing these tasks, students can learn to remember and follow through on what needs to be done in order to stay organized. Coaches can provide structure by helping students set goals for what needs to be accomplished each day or week.

Improving Communication

A lot of executive functioning skill management depends on communication. Students should learn to ask for help when needed and practice being more articulate in their communications with others. Coaches can also help students practice better communication skills, such as actively listening, formulating thoughtful questions, and being clear and direct with their own messages. In this way, students can begin to build an understanding of how different people communicate and learn to adjust their own approaches to be better understood by others.

Develop the Strengths of Learners

It's important to know where to focus when it comes to development of executive functioning skills. Coaches can help learners hone in on the strengths they already have, and work with them to develop and refine their communication skills. Focusing on executive functioning skills such as self-regulation, organization, planning, problem solving and decision making can help learners to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

About Peak Academic Coaching:

Peak Academic Coaching is the place to go if your kid might benefit from instruction and supervision from a professional academic coach. The coaches at this school work on improving executive functioning skills for students.

To know more, visit https://peakacademiccoaching.com/


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